Life @ RWU

网赌的十大网站是一个由公民学者组成的紧密联系的社区, leaders, world travelers, athletes, environmentalists, artists, music fans, thinkers and doers. We offer more than 70 clubs and orgs, 55 study abroad programs, 40+ majors and 22 varsity athletic teams. We are a vital part of the Rhode Island community, 我们的校园从沿海的布里斯托尔一直延伸到首都普罗维登斯. Discover your path and your passion here. At Roger Williams, 你会发现你所需要的一切,不仅是开始一个伟大的职业生涯, but also live a great life.

Bristol campus aerial.

Our Campuses

校园位于布里斯托尔海岸和普罗维登斯中心, RWU与罗德岛州及其他地区的最佳地区相连. 占地143英亩的布里斯托尔校园俯瞰着希望山湾,距离历史悠久的市中心很近. 首都校区坐落在普罗维登斯繁荣的艺术区内. Take a bike ride on the East Bay Bike Path, catch a concert at Lupo’s in Providence, 参观纽波特的豪宅,或者乘公共汽车或火车去波士顿或纽约!

Learn About Our Campuses
Students doing community service.

RWU In the Community

无论是整个新生班级都被派去帮助一年一度的社区联系日,还是学生们与非营利组织合作,为社区挑战寻找解决方案, RWU的学生和教师都参与了我们所服务的当地和全球社区生活的各个方面. Explore the many ways RWU is committed to community.

RWU In the Community
Students at computer.

Diversity and Inclusion

在RWU,我们欢迎并重视多样性和身份的所有表达. An integral part of our core values, 我们通过提供机构项目和支持致力于大学生活各方面多样性的学生俱乐部和组织,积极促进包容性, and by hiring faculty and staff, and recruiting students, who mirror the diversity of our region.

Athletic team embracing.

Athletics and Recreation

从大学运动到俱乐部运动,只是在一个伟大的锻炼,RWU有你覆盖. We've got 22 outstanding varsity athletic teams, everything from from baseball to sailing, 最后还有很多俱乐部和校内活动,比如啦啦队和橄榄球. 我们拥有一流的娱乐设施和设备齐全的健身房, an aquatic center, 健身工作室和夏季皮划艇和冲浪板在我们的海滨.

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