
Roger Williams University has two campuses that provide students with diverse learning experiences 和 opportunities. Both campuses are home to a tight-knit community of citizen scholars, 领导人, 世界旅行者, 运动员, 环保人士, 艺术家, 音乐爱好者, 思想家, 和实干家.

但这并不全是RWU的学术成就. 我们的校园充满了乐趣和冒险. From a quaint New Engl和 Town to the center of the capital city, RWU students find plenty of both.


Safewise ranks Bristol RI the #1 Safest College Town in America我们的主校区位于布里斯托尔, 罗德岛州, a historic town home to the nation's oldest Fourth of July parade. 我们的 campus sits on a sprawling 143 acres overlooking Mount Hope Bay 和 is just minutes from downtown Bristol – home to restaurants, 冰淇淋店, 精品店和古董店, 东湾自行车道, 和柯尔特州立公园. 我们离普罗维登斯和纽波特都只有半小时车程, 罗德岛的海滩之都, 距离波士顿60分钟车程. 纽约离这里只有三个小时的路程.

2019年,布里斯托尔被评为最受欢迎的城市之一 《网赌的十大网站》评选的美国最佳25个小镇. 在2022年,布里斯托尔被评为 美国安全大学城排名第一.com

RWU是 9所专业学校 that offer several undergraduate 和 graduate programs for students. Eight of our schools are located at our main campus in Bristol, including the 法学院. 所有学校都为学生提供独特的体验, 项目产品, 中心和倡议, 特殊的程序, 展示作品的机会, 与教师进行个性化的一对一互动. Many of our facilities have been recently renovated 和 are equipped with state-of-the-art technology 和 modern classrooms. All our resources – from our expert faculty to our information 和 career centers – are available to students 和 serve to provide the dynamic, self-directed education students need to pursue interests 和 passions.

RWU是一个充满活力的校园社区. 我们提供各种 生活的选择 在校园. 我们的 学生宿舍 提供空间与希望山湾的壮观景色, 希望山大桥, 甚至是我们的学术院落. 我们的 students live in singles, doubles, suites, 和 apartments. It’s easy to meet new people at RWU 和 encounter smiling faces, 甚至开始一场威夫球游戏或在操场上接球.

有超过 70个俱乐部和组织22个大学运动项目, opportunities are almost endless 和 range from student senate to the student newspaper. 我们知道有很大一部分是愉快的, well-rounded learning experience happens outside the classroom. We make it easy for students to explore new interests 和 discover more about themselves.


A short ride north from our main campus in Bristol is our Providence campus, 位于普罗维登斯市中心, 罗德岛州的首府. It provides all RWU students with access to a vibrant hub of businesses 和 community partnerships for a wide variety of h和s-on experiences 和 internships. 普罗维登斯校区配备了现代化的教室, 智能白板上技术, 有几个休息室和一个咖啡厅供学习和放松. Through partnerships with a multitude of community organizations, 非营利组织, 公立学区, 和联邦, 州和地方政府, the 普罗维登斯校区 is a key component in fulfilling the university’s commitment to community.

普罗维登斯校区是网赌的十大网站的所在地, which provides all types of students with opportunities to start or further their education or careers with over 30 flexible programs. 普罗维登斯校区也是 法学院的体验校园, housing clinics for the state’s only law school 和 providing free services to those in need.

RWU will also uses its space in Providence to cultivate its service mission, partnering with 和 housing a diverse cadre of non-profit organizations such as the 劳动力中心 & 专业发展房屋工程主任.

Additionally, students find that in Providence, as in all of 罗德岛州, adventure awaits. 被称为创意之都, 这个城市有很多很棒的餐馆, 音乐会, 节日, 以及享誉国际的WaterFire. It’s consistently rated as one of America’s favorite food cities by 旅游休闲 magazine 和 is filled with great shops 和 a thriving music scene.